From The Greensborough Patriot

Jan. 2, 1862 – Pg. 3

            Died.—In Richmond on the 8th instant of pneumonia, Robert A. Wilson, of Guilford, N. C., in the 26th year of his age.  He was one of the Dixie Boys.  Robert Wilson’s character merits more than a mere announcement of his death.  From childhood he had been remarkable as an affectionate, dutiful son.  It may be said with strict candor that he not only never disobeyed a parent’s command, but never disregarded a parent’s wish.  He was modest, truthful and energetic, never stopping to parly with any vice.  Although not a church member, he had for years sustained a hope, which taken in conncetion with a spotless life, gives strong confidence to his afflicted friends that he is now at rest.  In obedience to his country’s call, he left with his companions for the field of strife; in obedience to his Maker’s call, he has left them and gone up higher, where all is peace.